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Facebook holds world’s largest vote

Facebook members have until Thursday to vote for or against the privacy proposals

Anytime Facebook makes changes or alterations, you hear users gripe about it. One of the main things people seem to dislike about Facebook changes is that they seem to just happen without any explanation. Maybe that’s why the world’s largest social network is letting users vote on this next change.Facebook is calling on its 900 million users to vote on some new proposed changes to its privacy policy, creating the largest electorate in the world. By way of contrast, India, the democracy with the highest population, has about 700 million registered voters.The new privacy terms could open up the possibility of Facebook displaying adverts on outside websites, tailoring the pitches to interests and hobbies that members have listed on their profiles.Members have until midnight tomorrow to vote for or against the planned changes.“We strongly encourage you to participate in the vote on our new revised documents,” Facebook executive Elliot Schrage wrote on the company’s blog.Thirty percent of Facebook's 900 million users, or 270 million people, have to vote on the changes — for or against — to have the process be binding. Otherwise, Facebook considers the vote "advisory."That will most likely be the case. Facebook's experiment in democracy hasn't panned out as expected. While thousands of people have left comments on Facebook's proposed changes, "our original intent was to get high-quality," and not high-quantity comments, said Erin Egan, Facebook's chief privacy officer of policy.Facebook said it is still interested in getting user feedback on its policies, but it is reviewing how best to do so."While our participatory mechanisms may change, our commitment to greater transparency, accountability and responsiveness will not," Facebook vice President Elliot Schrage wrote in a blog post. "We will explore ways to bring user suggestions and concerns before Facebook's management."To vote: http://on.fb.me/JXVN6J