Environment Longtail nesting sites ‘under threat’ from development Audubon Society claims excavation work at the Bermudiana Beach Resort has damaged a shoreline cliff Aug 12, 2023
Environment Environmentalists object to new building at Nautilus site They say the new four-storey hotel building would increase building density and not blend well with nature Jul 10, 2023
Environment Project aimed at curbing broken glass at beach completed Historical dumping of waste at Somerset Long Bay has caused ongoing issues for beachgoers Jun 06, 2023
Environment Environmental groups: why no sign of new parks watchdog? Groups say the Government is acting outside the law if it allows planning applications to be approved without input from the National Parks Commission May 18, 2023
Environment Unusual sight as three brown pelicans spotted on island The species is considered a conservation success story because of its endangered status for many years owing to the overuse of pesticides. May 09, 2023
Environment Charity ‘very open’ to name change, says president Debate was sparked last year after some US birdwatching groups removed Audubon from their names to cut ties with its ties to slavery May 01, 2023
Tourism Jeffers: Gencom has Bermuda over a barrel The former head of the Bermuda Tourism Authority says the Government has “no leverage” in negotiations with the hotel developer Apr 27, 2023