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Trip to France and Spain was a wonderful eye-opener

On tour at the tower: Clearwater Middle School students visited famous sites during their tour of France and Spain during the recent Spring break.

Clearwater Middle School went on an educational trip to Paris and Barcelona last month. It was a group of about 25 children. The two foreign language teachers in our school and the librarian also joined us as chaperones. We caught a plane headed for New York at 9am on a Saturday morning. All of us were so excited and for some of us it was our first time visiting Europe. We had a long, six-hour wait in JFK airport until our next flight to Paris.We arrived in at Paris 6.30 in the morning, after an eventful night of flying. The flight was about 11 hours long, and once all of us got off the flight we were bused. Despite all of us being tired, we immediately went on a bus tour where we met our tour guide named Ange. He was very nice and greeted us once we got on the tour bus.The tour bus drove us all around Paris and we saw many world-known landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Louvre Museum. Later in the week we visited those landmarks and had a blast climbing up the 387 steps in Notre Dame and even seeing the famous Mona Lisa. My favourite part of the time in Paris was when we ventured to the top of the 1,000ft tall Eiffel Tower. We could see the whole city of Paris from almost like an aerial view.We caught an overnight train to Barcelona, which was also 11 hours long, after saying farewell to Ange. The train was almost like an airplane because my ears popped so much from travelling through various different elevations. The train station in Barcelona was very small, and we met our Spanish tour guide Conchi. She was very enthusiastic and led us to go get a quick breakfast treat of churros and chocolate.After that delicious breakfast, we travelled to the historic city of Tarragona, which was once occupied by the Romans. We saw a lengthy wall made by the Romans out of rock that covered the area around a huge building. We went to the very top of the building that overlooked the mini city of Tarragona.All of us saw a famous coliseum/bull fighting ring. My favourite part of the trip was going to the largest stadium, the Camp Nou, home of the European Champions, Barcelona. That was my first time visiting a stadium and boy was it exciting!! One of my friends even cried when he saw it because it was so unbelievable.I learned many amazing things on this trip and so did my friends. I learned that in France you should clean your plate with your bread which I definitely didn’t do. Also, in Barcelona the main meal is dinner and it is eaten very late. I enjoyed sharing my experience to all of your readers.