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Stars align for young readers

There’s no better time than summer to look up and wonder at the beauty of the night sky. That Bermuda is blessed with warm nights and limited light pollution is an added benefit for local stargazers.This summer’s Newspaper in Education reading programme is a series of stories from Greek mythology about larger-than-life characters Perseus, Orion, the Gemini twins among others whose exploits are linked with patterns in the stars we call constellations.Each Thursday in Young Observer, beginning on July 7, there will be a new instalment that explores both the mythological and the scientific aspects of several of the most well-known of the northern constellations.Young readers are encouraged to share the stories with their parents, and spend time looking for the constellations in the night sky. It is hoped that together they will also share some of the wonder that connected Bermudians to those stars in the days when they were the main source of light at night and a compass for mariners wherever they sailed on the wide ocean.A guide for teachers and parents with questions to consider and relevant scientific concepts to explore is available free of charge from Education Services Co-ordinator Jennifer Hind, jhind[AT]royalgazette.bm or 278-0136. Share the story and observe the stars.