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Travelling back ‘to the olden days’

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Labouring over the laundry: St. George's Preparatory students learned what it was like to do household chores the old fashioned way during a recent visit to the Mitchell House in St. George's.

“Imagine my amazement when I popped out of the office in St George’s on the morning of June 8 to go to the Post Office and bumped into two women and about 15 youngsters, perhaps ten-years-old, dressed in period costume!” declared Mrs Trudy Snaith, author of the Sarah Catherine stories, in an e-mail to The Royal Gazette.“I had to stop them. They were from St George’s Prep, and they had to dress themselves up like that, something to do with a history lesson. Even the boys were excited, sort of showing off how they had ‘made’ their outfits.”Intrigued, we followed up with our contact at St George’s Preparatory School, Primary 5 teacher Anne Kermode, who acknowledged that it was indeed her and her class Mrs Snaith had spotted.Subsequently Primary 5 student Sophie Watson filed the following report:Primary Five Kermode at St George’s Preparatory School had old fashion day recently. We have been studying the Sea Venture wreck, so we wanted to experience life like the first settlers in Bermuda. Our teacher promised us that she would do an old fashion day in April, and months passed, but on Wednesday, June 8 we had time, so we went for it.In the morning, we had a visit from Mrs Zuill, who showed us her butter churn. Our class made butter and this is how we did it: take some cream, put it in a small jar and shake it. When we did it, my partner and I had to shake it about 980 times until it was done. Eventually, it has butter in the middle and milk. The milk is called buttermilk. Add salt and spread. We used the buttermilk and the butter to make scones.We dressed up in old fashion clothes from 1609, and we walked around the town of St George’s. We visited the Tucker House, Mitchell House and went to the St Peter’s Church graveyard.At Tucker House, we had a tour and learned about the olden days. We saw the old beds, portraits of the Tucker family and the kitchen.At Mitchell House, we were told to go straight to the kitchen. We saw what they used back in the day. How different things are now. People cooked on an open fire. It must have been very hot, especially as people had to wear a lot of clothes. The water tank was outside and above ground. We had to dip for water using a bucket and a gourd. We followed the path down to the printing room and I saw a typewriter for the first time in my life. While at Mitchell House, we tried to wash clothes using a washboard and a mangle. It was hard work.We also made baskets and brooms from palmetto in the afternoon. It was a great day, and my class had so much fun.

Time travel is exhausting: Two St. George's Preparatory students take a break during their historical day in the old town.
Washboard and mangle: laundering the linens was a labour-intensive chore in the pre-electric era, as students at St. George's Preparatory learned during a history day in the old Town of St. George.