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I miss New Zealand, but I’m enjoying my new home and the swimming

I moved to Bermuda about 8 months ago from a city called Gisbourne in New Zealand. I travelled half way around the world to get here! I really love living in Bermuda, and our family is having a great adventure here. It took about a month for my family to set up home as it was hard getting used to the time change.In New Zealand the weather is usually cold and rainy. The weather here is much better than in New Zealand, and I really enjoy living an outdoor life style.I never used to swim much in New Zealand because the water was too cold, but now I swim almost every day, and I really love snorkeling and looking at all the tropical fish. The water is so bright and blue and never too cold to swim.I am really enjoying my new school, Harrington Sound Primary School, in Bermuda. We work a lot harder and do more tests than we did at St.Mary’s Catholic school. I feel I have learnt so much more at my new school, and even though the work is harder, I am enjoying the challenge.My old school, St. Mary’s, is a primary school that not only helped children learn about math and language but also helped us learn about God and respect.My principal stated: “This school is a place for children to have positive, enjoyable learning experiences, a place where they can celebrate learning and achievement.”Ms Bridgewater at Harrington Sound feels that: “Education to me is to have the intention to move oneself from where we are to where we want to be.”I totally agree with that. At school I have just been made a prefect. It is a challenge to achieve because you have to present a speech, complete all work on time and always show respect and responsibility. It is a great honour to be presented with your prefect badge at a special ceremony for parents.In Bermuda I am enjoying some different sports, like karate. Soon I might be playing hockey. I also play football in Bermuda. I used to play in New Zealand but we called it soccer!Even though Bermuda is a wonderful island, I still really miss New Zealand. I especially miss my friends and my house on the beach, but I am enjoying making new friends, exploring the island, and having new adventures.