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Egg dropping, kite flying and bonding with parents

An interesting egg-speriment: Some eggs float down, others are cushioned, and yet more go splat!

Somerset Primary celebrated the Egg Drop Competition at the end of March. An egg drop is when people wrap up eggs and try to protect them from a large fall. But the egg drop was not the only “eggciting” thing about that day. We also had kite flying.After lunchtime play students from Primary 1 all the way to Primary 6 went outside to fly their kites. I even saw a handful of parents flying kites too. It’s nice to see moms and dads bonding with their child. When I looked up I could not see the blue sky. Instead, I saw a sky full of colour and rainbow ribbons.The noise of children laughing is all you heard, along with the buzzing kites of course. Actually Seth Gibbons, one of our students, made a Bermuda kite. It was gorgeous up in the sky. My bird kite, which I bought at the store for $4.99, didn’t fly at all. My nice friends helped me, but it kept coming down. Eventually one of my friends gave me her kite to fly.Later that day everyone came into the assembly hall. Students had participated in an Easter Arts and Crafts Competition. Everything that students made was judged in different categories. I made an Easter card. To my dismay I didn’t win anything, but I still enjoyed making the card.Did you make a kite this year for Good Friday, or perhaps for the Exhibition? If so, I hope it went up, up and away!