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What would you tell your younger self?

Prefect Members (Left to right) Dakota Lamb, Larussy Romero, Stephane Nkeuleu, Lauren Genevieve, Mia Williams-Grant, Yannick Matthews, Jashae Allen-Lamontagne and Marley Kemal Saggar.

Young Observer had the opportunity to meet with The Berkeley Institute Prefect Members last week. We asked them if they had to do it all again, what would they tell your younger self.

Larussy Romero

Who do you salute?

“I salute my mother: Evelyn Douglas, because I see her as my icon. She has been my inspiration, my motivation and my unwavering support. She has pushed me to be the best that I can be and most importantly for never giving up and for her for always reminding me that with God nothing is impossible.

If you had to do it all again, what would you tell your younger self?

If I had to do it all again, I would tell my younger self that “dreams are dead when the dreamer is dead” When you quit, your chances of being successful are limited. I would also tell myself that God won’t give you anything you can’t handle.

Which teacher do you salute?

I would like to thank all my previous and current teachers for molding me and giving me the reason to believe that I can succeed in whatever I aspire towards. Particularly, special thanks and salute to my advisor, Mr. Taylor for helping me to be where I am now. He always believed that I was able to accomplish anything I put my mind to even though English was not my first language.

Yannick Matthews

Who do you salute?

I salute my family, specifically my mom, dad and brother. They’ve always been there for me and provide valuable support and advice in every action I make. They’re constantly providing for me and making sure I’m comfortable and one day I aim to return the favour; because at the end of the day they’re my real best friends.

If you had to do it all again, what would you tell your younger self?

I would definitely tell my younger self to stay focused on the big picture and stay committed to my goals. I was overwhelmed with work in my first year, yet I was too prideful to make the necessary changes to balance my assignments. I definitely wish I learned this valuable lesson earlier, although I still managed to prevail. The last thing I would say is to step out of my comfort zone more often. I had great opportunities and events to learn from because of this, and it helped me progress in my life.

Which teacher do you salute?

A teacher I would like to acknowledge is Ms. Shalane Dill. She is the reason I have a new found interest in drama and theatrical arts. This year is the first time I’ve taken one of her classes, and it has been amazing so far. She has also taught me some great life lessons. I would like to thank her for that.

Dakota Lamb

If you had to do it all again, what would you tell your younger self?

If I had to do it all again, I would tell my younger self to take advantage of every opportunity you are presented with. I waited until my junior year in high school to finally listen to my parents and join clubs and involve myself more in school. If I would have started younger there is no telling how different my high school years could have been. Also, I would tell my younger self to push academically. Do not settle for mediocre; strive to be the best in each and every class. Do assignments when you are given them instead of waiting to the last minute. Don’t wait until S3 or S4 to start focusing on your school work, every year is important and crucial for your success.

Lauren Genevieve

Who do you salute?

I salute my mom because she is always there to support me in everything I do. She always encourages me to do my best and to push myself to reach my full potential.

If you had to do it all again, what would you tell your younger self?

I would tell myself to be organised and to manage my time well. This is a really important skill to have in college and beyond. High school provides you with a great opportunity to develop these skills. They help you to balance being involved in many activities and to take many subjects in school.

Which teacher do you salute?

I salute three of my teachers: Mrs. Burrows, Mr. Taylor and Ms. Callaghan. These three teachers work hard to ensure that their students are successful in their classes. They also push their students to work to their full potential and constantly encourage them to try their best.