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Rebecca Faulkenberry performs on ‘Dancing With The Stars’

Rebecca Faulkenberry

Bermudian actress and singer Rebecca Faulkenberry said taking part in ABC’s ‘Dancing With The Stars’ was “brilliant, great fun”.The actress and singer spoke with The Royal Gazette while preparing for another night in the Broadway musical ‘Rock of Ages’.“Our performance was part of a well-oiled machine, and it turned into quite a long day for us, but I got to meet the Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block, which was cool. And the host, Tom (Bergeron) was wonderful.”Along with others of the Broadway cast, Ms Faulkenberry appeared on Tuesday night’s episode of the celebrity dance show.Much of her act was singing rather than dancing, she said, with the ‘Rock of Ages’ songs ‘Nothing But a Good Time’ and ‘Here I Go Again’.“There wasn’t really time for any talking. But I do get people saying all the time how they never met anybody from Bermuda before. It’s a good conversation starter, and I’m proud to say it everywhere I go.”With the musical in full swing, Ms Faulkenberry is settled for now in New York.“Hopefully, Rock of Ages will go on for a long time. It’s been an amazing opportunity, although vocally it’s a difficult show,” she said.Her next visit to the Island will be a quick stop, to help judge student performers for Bermuda Glee on July 10.“I have to work that around my schedule,” she said. “I’m doing eight shows a week with one day off, so it’s a lot. But it’s great. I get to dress up and sing.”