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Bank steps in with education assistance

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Minister of Education Dame Jennifer Smith speaks at a press conference alongside Ian Truran, president and CEO of Capital G.

A new education initiative has been launched through a public-private partnership between the Ministry of Education and Capital G bank.Donations will be made to the Reading Clinic and Menuhin Foundation while scholarships for middle school students and a youth charity development programme are in the works.“It has become apparent to all of us that the impact of the current global economic situation has exacerbated some of Bermuda’s social issues, particularly those that have a direct impact on Bermuda’s youth,” said Ian Truran, Capital G president and CEO.Capital G committed to a three-year education and youth development donations scheme following a meeting with Education Minister Jennifer Smith.The bank donated $50,000 to the Reading Clinic’s I-Play literacy programme for children at Prospect Preschool, allowing its expansion into two additional pre-schools in the coming year. The pilot programme is currently supported by Government and the Bank of Bermuda Foundation. Executive director Julie Dunstan said the charity will know by the end of this term which schools the Ministry has recommended.The Menuhin Foundation will receive $25,000 each year over the next three years. The musical charity sends an educational string quartet to schools around the Island.Menuhin team coordinator Caroline Gledhill said: “We just had our government grant cut by 100 percent, which we have to make up one way or another, so we are hugely grateful to Capital G for their help.”Capital G intends to develop a scholarship programme for middle school students with special needs or talents. Selected students will receive scholarships at specialised local or overseas institutions.In September the bank plans to resume the Youth Give programme it has run in conjunction with the Centre on Philanthropy. The programme invited students to develop their own charitable donations plan and then provided them with grants.Dame Jennifer said: “When I was first approached about this initiative, I was not only heartened but impressed with the amount of thought, effort, attention to detail and research that went into creating these four scholarships. I was humbled that out of all the entities that Capital G could have singled out, they chose children in the middle school system for scholarships.”She added: “I daresay that if some of the students who are now in their 20s had this opportunity some time ago, they might not be doing antisocial things today.”Bermuda had its share of challenges within education but there was also much to celebrate, Dame Jennifer said.“As we work to correct, improve and change, we should not lose sight of the fact that the majority of our children are doing well. However, we are correcting deficiencies and shortfalls in the system. You have heard me announce during the recent budget debate that we are going to try to do more with less. Clearly, one of the ways in which we can even consider doing more with less is because of the stepping up on behalf of our private sector partners. It is only through your support that we are able to do more for our young people.”Useful web links: www.readingclinic.bm, www.menuhin.bm, www.gov.bm.

Photo by Mark TatemFrom left: Shkysi Commings, president of the board at the Reading Clinic; James Gibbons, chairman of Capital G; Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith; Ian Truran, president and CEO of Capital G; Menuhin Foundation team coordinator Caroline Gledhill; Menuhin Foundation executive director Maxine Esdaille, and Reading Clinic executive director Julie Dunstan.
Photo by Mark TatemFrom left: Shkysi Commings, president of the board at the Reading Clinic; James Gibbons, chairman of Capital G; Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith; Ian Truran, president and CEO of Capital G; Menuhin Foundation team coordinator Caroline Gledhill; Menuhin Foundation executive director Maxine Esdaille, and Reading Clinic executive director Julie Dunstan.
Photo by Mark TatemMinister of Education Dame Jennifer Smith speaks at a press conference alongside Ian Truran, president and CEO of Capital G to announce a new partnership between Capital G and the Ministry of Education.