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Kudos for CableVision

Multiple sports: The BMX cycling women's semi-final run at the Summer Olympics in London.

August 13, 2012Dear Sir,Thank you, CableVision, for bringing the best coverage of the Olympics I have ever seen (and I have been an avid ‘Olympics‘ fan since 1948). Channel 514 was outstanding with clear pictures, wonderful “slow-mo” and no commercials.There are so many events in the Olympics that no one can expect to see their favourite sport all the time. As for the coverage of our Bermuda squad, let’s be realistic. We are a small island with a population equivalent to a mid sized town. Can you imagine the cost of getting dedicated coverage?I thought the track and field, swimming and gymnastics coverage was first class. I was enthralled by the trampoline events, an event which I never thought would interest me.I was disappointed with the sound quality in both the opening and closing ceremonies but that may have been outside CableVision’s control.A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESSSouthampton