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So what’s DeSilva’s definition of balance?

April 11, 2013Dear Sir,I’m very curious to know Zane DeSilva’s definition of “balance”. For goodness sake; FutureCare is one policy catering to ‘the seniors’. Some were paying $300 plus, and others were paying $600 plus. Now as of May first, there will be “balance”. The rate will be $440 for all.Am I missing something here? It is ironic that all we hear from Zane are the calls, and e-mails coming in, complaining about the increase, but NOTHING of those seniors that are ecstatic, and overjoyed of the savings they will acquire, and if you are getting the same benefits then the cost should be the same. Dictionary defines: Balance = a state in which various parts form a satisfying and harmonious whole and nothing is out of proportion or unduly emphasised at the expense of the rest … HELLOOOO!Sydney