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You can’t shop for the perfect body

Achievable goals: Betty Doyling advises striving for the best body you can achieve, not that of a model in a magazine (File photo)

The fitness world can be confusing, overwhelming and quite silly at times — diets, magic pills and advertisements promoting ten-minute abs flood fitness magazines.

We see chiselled and toned, perfect bodies and want what they have.

When I first started really getting into fitness I would buy these magazines, follow the workouts, eat what I wanted and hope that I could look just like the model. I assumed her plan would work for me.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. You can’t shop for a body. Most likely we will never look exactly like her for several reasons:

n Our bodies are all different. Unfortunately we cannot just acquire anyone’s shape.

Genetics play a huge factor in the shape and size of our bodies. Some of us are short, tall, have wider hips, some carry more weight in their lower body, some carry weight in their midsection, some have a smaller bone structure, and so on.

Even if you adopt the same diet and training regimen as someone else, it doesn’t mean that you will look exactly like them. Your body will definitely show some positive changes, but your body is not her body. Strive for the best body YOU can achieve.

n Magazines don’t always tell the whole truth. Sometimes the plans that they are selling are not even the plans the model actually uses.

It probably took her years to achieve what you see in the magazine. When I was competing it took me a few years to really get the physique that I wanted. Even then, there was more to achieve.

So that three-month plan that is supposed to help you to look like her will give you a great start, but you will not have her body at the end of the plan.

n Some plans may harm you in the long run.

Have you researched her coaching methods? Are you following a strict cookie-cutter plan that is not sustainable long-term? What happens after the plan ends?

Before you follow any fitness resource, take time to research and make sure that the plan can be a lifetime plan and not just a quick temporary fix.

Don’t be discouraged. It’s easy to fall into a trap of trying to look like your fitness idol. Your hopes and fitness dreams can definitely be accomplished, but try to be realistic about your goals. Instead of focusing on a “perfect” model, focus on the plan that works for you. Find a fitness plan that is sustainable and makes you feel confident and B-Active For Life!

• Betty Doyling is a certified fitness trainer and figure competitor with more than nine years of experience. Check her out on Facebook: www.facebook.com/B.ActiveForLife