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Have you lost Lily?

Lily the Retriever cross is desperately seeking her family. She was found wandering around the Pembroke area almost two weeks ago, but despite looking like a healthy family pet, so far no one has come forward to claim her.

Animal welfare charity the SPCA has had a number of people wanting to take her home, but kennel administrator Jodi Corbett said she wanted to see if her original owner was out there first.

When Lily was found close to BCM McAlpine on St. John's Road, she was not wearing a collar or name tag.

“She was in fairly good condition, but she had a couple of matts around her ears and under her tail,” said Ms Corbett.

“Before we re-home her, I would like to at least see if she does belong to somebody. I know nobody has come forward for her yet, but perhaps the family is away.”

Lily is a female dog that has been spayed, believed to be five years old.

Anyone with information about her history should call the SPCA on 236-7333 as soon as possible, before she is adopted out.