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Independent Senators Hughes and DIllas Wright vote against SDO

Two of the three independent Senators have come out against the controversial special development order for Tucker’s Point this evening.Senator Walwyn Hughes said he would not support it at 6.39pm today.Sen Joan Dillas Wright voted against the SDO an hour later, saying she was unable to support it.With the five Government Senators expected to vote in support of the SDO and the three UBP Senators expected to vote against it Sen president Carol Ann Marie Bassett will now cast the deciding vote.The SDO, if passed, grants planning permission in principle to build approximately 70 private homes on the Castle Harbour land and increase the size of the hotel. The development would build over areas protesters have said are environmentally important.This evening, Sen Hughes said he believed that despite Government saying there were still several checks and balances in place regarding whether or not development will proceed such as getting final planning approval he believed Government would not grant a SDO and then put other obstacles in the way.Sen Hughes said he was concerned that if development went ahead there would be environmental damage because so many areas were listed as sensitive areas.He added that while people say tourism and Tucker’s Point would face dire straits if the SDO was not passed that is not a certainty.He said the only certainty was irreversible environmental damage.He said that because it was the only certainty he was unable to support the SDO.Government Senators David Burt and Laverne Furbert have already spoken and said they will be voting in favour of it in the Senate this evening and Opposition Senator Michael Dunkley has said he will vote against it.To find out what they have said join The Royal Gazette’s live coverage at http://www.royalgazette.com/section/live.The Royal Gazette’s Follow It Live blog is an interactive application, which lets our readers join the conversation as it is happening.We will be covering the entire debate.