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Tag days scheduled for ‘Fuelling 4 a Cause’

Lori Morbey, president of St George’s Prep PTA, and Graham Redford, managing director of RUBiS

The first of ten “Fuelling 4 a Cause” tag days, raising cash for charity, has been held by St. George’s Preparatory School PTA.

The “Fuelling 4 a Cause” campaign began last summer to celebrate RUBiS’ 10th anniversary of operations in Bermuda, and will continue throughout this year with more tag days.

The fundraiser began with an invitation to 24 local charities and not-for-profit organisations to participate in a photo contest.

Twelve winners of the contest now appear in the RUBiS Calendar. However, the remaining 12 charities have been offered the opportunity to hold a special tag day during 2017 at one or more of the RUBiS service stations in order to raise funds for their respective organisation.