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Minister praises Library’s outreach

The National Library’s outreach service for seniors and the disabled has been praised by Minister of Public Information Services Neletha Butterfield.The service was launched in May 2008 thanks to a van donated by the Ernest P Stempel foundation.The library’s outreach assistant Joan Vidale uses it to deliver books, magazines, DVDs and music CDs to public and private seniors residences throughout the island and pick them up when the borrowers are finished with them.Short readings on Bermuda’s history and culture are also provided to cater to the seniors’ interests.The Minister emphasised that the outreach programme is a public service, available on request.“I am very grateful to Ms Vidale for providing such a worthwhile service for so many seniors and disabled people in our community,” she said in the House of Assembly.“The simple act of borrowing books is often hampered by the lack of transportation or mobility issues and this service ensures that everyone has access to the library’s materials, and for that I wish to extend my deepest thanks.”