Dear Sir,
July 3 marks the 22nd anniversary of the death of Rebecca Middleton, a Canadian teenager who was murdered while on vacation in Bermuda.Take a moment t...
Dear Sir,
July 3 marks the 22nd anniversary of the death of ...
Dear Sir,
It’s now 19 years since Rebecca Middleton, a visiting teenager was raped and murdered by two local residents.
Those responsible for her attack were s...
Dear Sir,
It’s now 19 years since Rebecca Middleton, a visi...
Justice campaigner Carol Shuman has praised a recent television documentary about the murder in Bermuda of Canadian teenager Rebecca Middleton.
Dr Shuman, who h...
Justice campaigner Carol Shuman has praised a recent televis...
April 13, 2014
Dear Sir,
I must go on record as firmly opposed to the decision to deny the Middleton Project Production Crew a work permit to pursue their proje...
April 13, 2014
Dear Sir,
I must go on record as firmly oppos...
April 10, 2014
Dear Sir,
There are two things that didn’t happen in the Middleton case, and I wonder why. First, why didn’t the Govt of the day, pay the family...
April 10, 2014
Dear Sir,
There are two things that didn’t h...
April 9, 2014
Dear Sir,
The Shadow Minister Wayne Furbert was certainly correct when he pointed out that we would have been better off if Minister Fahy had giv...
April 9, 2014
Dear Sir,
The Shadow Minister Wayne Furbert w...
I think some Bermudians are looking the wrong way at Minister Michael Fahy’s refusal to grant a Canadian team permission to film a programme about the murder of...
I think some Bermudians are looking the wrong way at Ministe...
April 8, 2014
Dear Sir,
Shame, shame shame! Everyone in Bermuda should be holding their heads down in shame. What was our Minister thinking when he denied the C...
April 8, 2014
Dear Sir,
Shame, shame shame! Everyone in Berm...
April 8, 2014
Dear Sir,
I had hoped that I was not the only one who believed that the Government’s decision to bar a Canadian film crew from doing a documentary...
April 8, 2014
Dear Sir,
I had hoped that I was not the only ...
Government’s decision to block a documentary film crew from entering the Island had made headlines around the world.
The team from Canada wanted to come to Berm...
Government’s decision to block a documentary film crew from ...
April 6, 2014
Dear Sir,
Not since the financial rape of Bermuda by the PLP has this Island been so poorly served by its Government. Like many, I had high hopes ...
April 6, 2014
Dear Sir,
Not since the financial rape of Berm...
The decision to bar a film team from Bermuda on the basis of “reputational risks” to the Island has been condemned as giving the impression of a cover-up.
The c...
The decision to bar a film team from Bermuda on the basis of...
A film crew that planned to make a documentary on the brutal rape and murder of teenage Canadian tourist Becky Middleton in Bermuda in 1996 has been barred — be...
A film crew that planned to make a documentary on the brutal...
Filmmakers working on a documentary about the murder of Canadian teen Rebecca Middleton are still waiting to hear if permission will be granted for them to come...
Filmmakers working on a documentary about the murder of Cana...