“How long? Not long”, a speech by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr made on the steps of the State Capitol of Montgomery after the Selma to Montgomery marc...
“How long? Not long”, a speech by the Reverend Martin Lu...
A virtual prayer meeting for the island’s leaders will be held tomorrow by the New Testament Church of God.
Bishop Gladstone Thompson said: “We certainly apprec...
A virtual prayer meeting for the island’s leaders will be he...
A prisoner rarely, if ever, receives a request from a Premier.
But for Dwayne Signor an invitation from Michael Dunkley to carve a cedar gift for the Pope has p...
A prisoner rarely, if ever, receives a request from a Premie...
Pope Francis has been invited to visit Bermuda by Michael Dunkley.
The invitation was extended yesterday when the Premier attended a General Audience with the p...
Pope Francis has been invited to visit Bermuda by Michael Du...
It was something the Pope said, Mr Editor, that got me to thinking. In fact, he said a lot of interesting and challenging things on his recent visits to Cuba an...
It was something the Pope said, Mr Editor, that got me to th...
A Bermudian living in the United States was one of the tens of thousands of people who filled New York’s Central Park for a glimpse of Pope Francis on Friday.
A Bermudian living in the United States was one of the tens ...
In recent days a man, whom one official described as the new Nelson Mandela voice during very challenging times, was able to penetrate an atmosphere of discord,...
In recent days a man, whom one official described as the new...
An air-traffic control specialist has said she “didn’t know whether to laugh or cry” when receiving a call from Pope Francis.
Kay-Ann Chambers-DeShields was on ...
An air-traffic control specialist has said she “didn’t know ...
Pope Francis contacted Bermuda to transmit a prayer for blessings as he flew over the Island en route to Cuba.
The Pope, on board an Alitalia flight from Rome t...
Pope Francis contacted Bermuda to transmit a prayer for bles...