Environment BAMZ curator appointed to Sargasso Sea Commission Robbie Smith has been involved locally and internationally in various projects relevant to the Sargasso Sea Oct 02, 2023
Community BZS takes 22 students on trip of a lifetime A trip to Borneo in August was part of the Bermuda Zoological Society’s aim to “inspire appreciation and care of island environments” in teenagers Sep 28, 2023
Community Kicking out the invasives The BZS Micro Forest Project has planted 1,500 native and endemic plants around the island, hoping they will push out invasive plants Sep 26, 2023
Environment New romp of otters at BAMZ Latest births bring the total over the past two years in a species survival plan to six Aug 28, 2023
General Fish match: Cup Match comes to North Rock Tank It’s just not cricket but the underwater showdown wowed an audience including barracuda, parrotfish and rays Jul 28, 2023
Environment Past and present of natural history treasures on display The Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo’s latest exhibit also features the return of a popular children's educational feature Jul 20, 2023
Environment Project starts to study trash build up in Harrington Sound Volunteers collected 3,689lb of garbage during the first two clean-ups for Project Sound Solution, mainly food packaging and boating materials Mar 31, 2023
Environment Once feared extinct, a tiny snail has been rediscovered Vertigo bermudensis, an endemic species of micro-snail, was found by a visiting Czech Republic specialist Mar 21, 2023
Environment Rescued seal pup named Northlands by woman who found him on Clearwater Beach The pup is being cared for at the Bermuda Aquarium and since his arrival, has put on 16.5lb and now weighs 43lb Mar 21, 2023
Environment Baby seal set to be flown to US ahead of release The seal pup was found at Clearwater Beach and is doing well, eating six pounds of fish a day Mar 20, 2023
Education Work finishes on Trunk Island classroom makeover The renovations will help the Bermuda Zoological Society to reach its goal of teaching 3,000 students a year Mar 18, 2023
General Rescued seal pup on the road to recovery The seal remains in critical but stable condition but is responding to treatment and continues to improve Feb 24, 2023