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T.N. Tatem issues are no real surprise

TN Tatem Middle School in Warwick (File photograph)

Dear Sir,

I share the concerns of those who teach and learn at T.N. Tatem, and am not really surprised that they have issues within the school.

For about three years, I went to a community education keep-fit class, which was held in the gym. We regularly had to sweep the floor before we could begin class and I would take disinfectant wipes to clean off the mats, which were grubby, to say the least.

I live in Warwick. I often walk through the school grounds early in the morning, and it really bothers me to see the large items of trash, which just sit around the eastern end of the grounds year after year.

There are two containers — one of these is closed and the other open and full of trash — and there are rusting air conditioners, old window frames, etc, etc.

Could there not be a cleanup during the summer months when the school is closed, or could some of the sports clubs, who often use the field, maybe get together and help out?